Monday, August 24, 2015

Kids Sent in the Mail

Crazy as it seems, did you know they used to actually send kids in the mail?
In 1914, six year old May Pierstorff was mailed about 73 miles from her parents' home in Idaho to her grandparents. It cost just 53 cents.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Away for College

It's challenging for kids to go off to school. For many it's the first time they are away from home, at least for any length of time. College freshmen often feel homesick. 

Parents and other family members can make those freshmen, or any college age, feel connected again by sending them some love through the mail. Cards, letters and care packages are sure to make them smile. Where you are away from home, it's nice to know someone is thinking of you.  

Just in time for the fall semester! We've now added College Care Packages to our services. Now you can choose to send regular Fun Mail packs or specially made College Care Packages. Check out more details on the website now.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Welcome to Kids Fun Mail

Thanks for taking the time to check out the Kids Fun Mail blog!

Check back soon for more information as we have just added this new feature.